K-12 Resources

Are you a student or educator looking for helpful career development resources? There are many easy-to-use career planning tools and resources available. If you are looking for hands-on experience, check out the Experiential Learning page. Thinking about what to do after high school? Find your path by exploring Post-Secondary Options.

my blueprint

A website designed to help students track important aspects of their education using an interactive electronic planner.

Services for Youth

Tools and resources from the Government of Canada website to inform youth about careers, education, money, health and much more.

Career Connected Learning K-12

Resources to prepare K-12 learners for their future.

Chatter High

An online edu-game that teachers may use as part of a lesson plan or within a structured competition between schools.


This youth-inspired game provides a deeper understanding of careers and skills. 

Real World Challenge

The Real World Labour Market Challenge is a student centered workshop series, focused on project-based learning strategies and LMI.