Education and Training

Career planning and development is a process which you can expect to revisit several times as you gain self-knowledge and career/life experience. Planning your career can feel overwhelming, but with the right tools and resources, you can map a path and plan for your future.

Post-Secondary Options

Find information on options after high school and adult learning.


Access planning tools for your post-secondary journey.

Student Financial Services

Need help funding post-secondary studies? Check out Student Financial Assistance Programs.

Apprenticeship and Trades

Apprentices receive post-secondary education through on-the-job training and in-school learning.

Universities and Colleges

A complete listing of universities and colleges in New Brunswick.

NB Credit Transfer Portal

Identifying possible equivalencies or credit transfers one may be eligible to receive when admitted to a post-secondary institution in New Brunswick.

Skills in Demand

The top skills New Brunswick employers are looking for and resources to help develop those skills.

Workplace Essential Skills

Training aimed at acquiring and /or improving essential skills to succeed in the workplace.